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These are two much asked and much discussed questions :-)
Permanent make-up lasts differently for each person. Both the skin condition of the pigmented area, the care and sun exposure, as well as the intake of medication and the individual metabolism are decisive factors.
Here I have summarized some factors for you:
Skin type: Pigments remove faster from oily skin than from dry skin.
Pigment color: The lighter a pigment is, the faster it fades.
Age: The older you are, the longer the pigmentation lasts.
UV exposure: Exposure to the sun and solarium decomposes the pigments faster. This means that sun worshippers will need to refresh their permanent makeup more quickly. Therefore, always apply a high sun protection factor to the affected areas.
Cosmetic treatments: Regular use of fruit acid peels or microdermabrasion will shorten the life of your permanent makeup. The same applies if the lip is injected with hyaluronic acid or other fillers. I recommend to have the permanent make-up done before the injections.
Taking medication: Taking medication can have different influences on permanent makeup. With medications that slow down metabolism, the pigment remains in the skin longer, and with medications that speed up metabolism or promote wound healing, the pigment fades more quickly.
Other external factors: peels, active sports, chlorinated water and sauna cause the pigmentation to fade more quickly.
In general, I can tell you from my 13 years of experience that permanent makeup lasts for many years, but it becomes weaker and weaker. Already after one year you can see a change / weakening of the color intensity on the eyebrows or lips. And why? Because not so dark colors are usually used there.
The color of the eyebrows or lips becomes paler from year to year, and so after just 3 years it may not look as beautiful and fresh as it did in the beginning.
With a black, strong eyeliner you notice fading only after about 5-6 years.
I often read that a fixed time is given for the durability of a permanent make-up until the final fading. But I want to be honest with you, this can not be said with certainty and a certain durability can not be guaranteed. As I said, it depends on the factors I just mentioned and also on the depth of the pigmentation. If it was too deep, then it is safe to say that the pigments will always be visible in the skin. However, they will also always look grayer. This has to do with the process of skin renewal and aging.
When is it time for a refresher?
Fading pigments is a great advantage, because over time people and their preferences change. Fashion and cosmetic and aesthetic trends are also constantly changing. It is an advantage that the pigments fade and you can refresh your permanent make-up, changing the shape and color again to suit you and your stage of life.
I recommend that you have your permanent make-up refreshed when you have the feeling that it is no longer beautiful, that it is too gray or that you no longer like the color. I do not want to give you a fixed time for this. But if you feel that you are no longer satisfied with your permanent makeup or you no longer feel the shine and freshness, then it is time for a touch-up.
With a refresh you can always address the shaping of the permanent makeup drawing. Wide brows can be visually narrowed. Thin brows can be widened. Shapes can be changed. Lip colors can be corrected and adjusted. Eyeliner can be shaded. .... and and and... Basically, permanent make-up is quite flexible :-)
You know me now for some time and know that you can ask me your questions at any time and also come for non-binding consultations.
I want you to feel good and radiant with your permanent make-up every day!
Sincerely, your Melli :-)